This is a fountain at the Getty Museum. The Getty is one of the few art museums I've seen that is artfully designed, instead of being an assortment of blocky square rooms with tan and gray walls.
This is the view from the top balcony of the Getty museum, which is on top of a hill near downtown L.A.
The Getty has a nice permanent art collection as well as good traveling exhibits, so we got to see a lot of quality art while we were there. (There aren't any pictures of the art, because it was all inside.) I also got to see some illuminated manuscripts, which was really neat.
Second: Some friends of mine are going to be Time Suck next year. Time Suck is a suite in East, traditionally made up of sophomores, whose job is to entertain East Dorm with movies, small parties, marathons of TV shows, and the like. I'm pretty excited, because this means I'll be able to help organize all the fun that Time Suck plans.
I've been inundated with coupons for pizza and Bed Bath and Beyond recently. (Tip: if you want a lot of coupons from Bed Bath and Beyond, have them ship you something. They will send you coupons for the rest of your natural life.) This puts me in an interesting situation for two reasons. First, the pizza coupons are all things like "10% off a medium pepperoni pizza and a side of chicken". I'm a vegetarian, so I'm definitely not ordering a pepperoni pizza anytime soon. Second, I'm never going to use my Bed Bath and Beyond coupon, because I don't have a car and I already have everything I would buy from Bed Bath and Beyond (with the possible exception of a chair that, despite my liking for it, would take up too much of the remaining floor space in my dorm room). I'm giving the BBB coupons to next year's Time Suck, on the grounds that Time Suck could always use one more bean bag chair, but I still can't find anyone who wants a cheap pepperoni pizza.
In other Mudder news, this Sunday starts the Accepted Students Program. During this program, the campus gains an extra 150 to 200 people--prospective students (known as "prefrosh") who've been accepted to Mudd and have decided to visit. (Although prefrosh can visit at other times, the school has a lot of special prefrosh activities during ASP.) Although I can't host prefrosh (because I currently live on Scripps), I'll be taking prefrosh to their host's dorms on Sunday morning and entertaining the prefrosh that all of my friends will be hosting. I'll also be carrying my camera around, so look forward to pictures of prefrosh weekend sometime this week.
That's all for this week, folks. I'll see you next week with tales of ASP.
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