Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Perils of Cooking Regularly

As I mentioned earlier, I'm on the 8-meal plan. At the beginning of the semester, I was "making" my own breakfasts and lunches, and eating dinners at the Hoch. This wound up working not quite so well. Breakfast was not the problem---I just need to eat a non-zero quantity of food, which is usually a bagel or a bowl of cereal. The problem was lunch. I would make myself a sandwich, or a veggie dog. While these were delicious and nutritious choices, I would wind up being hungry again halfway through the afternoon, when on most days I have class until 5:30 or so. Now, I'm eating lunch at the Hoch, and making my own dinners. Again, I'm using the term "making" fairly loosely. I usually have some kind of pasta + some kind of sauce + some kind of frozen vegetable, or some kind of instant meal from the grocery store. The funny thing is, even with instant food, this is still cheaper than eating at the Hoch. Each meal at the Hoch costs about $10, if you divide the number of meals in your meal plan by the amount of food you eat. A box of cereal, a half-gallon of milk, a few pounds of pasta, some veggies, and some boxed food come out to about $30 a week. My food-cooking system is therefore lazy, but economically sound.